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Treasure Map - an auditory working memory game

Students can work together or individually to remember and follow a series of verbal instructions to navigate a map and find hidden treasure. This activity encourages teamwork, active listening, and strategic thinking, all while improving auditory working memory skills.

This pack includes 3 different maps (2 differentiated versions of each) including under the sea, garden and city maps. You also get a lesson plan for a class activity, verbal directions pre-written for you and map activity sheets for students to write their own directions for one another.



1. Part of your language arts or SEL curriculum:

  • Follow the lesson plan and play the Treasure Map game as a lesson to target executive function skills.

2. Use as an Informal Assessment Tool:

  • Use the included trackers to assess and track their auditory working memory performance.

3. Play individually or in pairs as a centre game:

  • Put pencils, copies of the maps and the pairs activity sheet (where they will create their own directions to a chosen square) in one of your centres for pair or small group work.


The game can be used as a main activity to develop essential cognitive skills, as an assessment tool for working memory, or as an engaging early finishers' game.

This product is for a digital download. NO PHYSICAL GAMES WILL BE SHIPPED.

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