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A Fun & Inspiring Goal-Setting Experience!

Say goodbye to boring goal-setting! Our Goals Fortune Teller Game & Goal-Setting Activity Kit turns your students' dreams into actionable steps through creativity and reflection.

Students Explore What Matters Most:

  • Personal Growth: Build new habits to become your best self.
  • Social Growth: Make meaningful connections and positive contributions.
  • Academic Growth: Set goals to improve your skills and knowledge.
  • Hobbies & Interests: Dive into activities that bring you joy.

How It Works:

  1. Play the Fortune Teller Game: Spark ideas as you reflect on key life areas.
  2. Set Your Goal: Visualise success, map your steps and stay motivated.

What's included?

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Goals Fortune Teller game
  • Goal Setting activity page

Science shows writing and visualising goals boosts success—and we’ve made it fun, interactive and engaging!

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